Walking is good for you, but it is important to walk properly. If you do that you use both the muscles in you legs as those in your abdomen. The feet should be parallel, about 5-10 centimetres apart. keep the weight of your body over the foot valve. The hip joint should move smoothly, but not the hips! Make sure you upper body is held upright, don't lean forward. Keep your shoulders back, but neither keep the stiff nor swivel them around. The head should be held upright and look forward, not in at the ground.

A walk, not a stroll in the city in fashionable clothes, should be taken in the countryside or in parks so you can walk unhindered by cars and people. Wear a comfortable walking suit and a short girdle and, most important, the proper shoes. High heels, 7-9 centimetres high, should only be worn for parties and dances. Neither should you walk in a completely flat shoe. Apart from the fact that the female grace suffers from flat shoes, it can also be uncomfortable and cause flat feet. No, for walking it is best to use a sturdy heel, 2,5-4 centimetres high. The very low heel, or completely flat shoe, should only be worn for the sports like tennis, golf and sailing. The only other occasion is when you wear trousers or shorts, but in such masculine clothes, the female grace isn't the most important thing.

A walk is always good for the body and mind, but is you also want to keep your figure in trim, then make sure you walk for an hour every day and during that walk cover 6 kilometres. If you do that you will loose weight with about 1 kilo every month.

All of this brought to you from the latest research of the year 1946.

I love how prescriptive advice was in the 30s-50s! Reading magazine articles about fashion and weight loss from that time period is always so fun because of how specific the writers are!
For advice for children on posture, try this fab (laugh-inducing) video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dDjBsOkidek
This was brilliant! And I am certain walking one HOUR everyday would indeed do me good...:)
I love that last picture. Just what I have been waiting for, some advice to tell me that wearing heels is fine!
Rowenna: Yes, very precise! And that video was just hilarious!
Toni Jo: Indeed! I went through my shoe closet earlier this year and now I realize that I not a single pair of shoes with heels less than 6 centimeters, which isn't exactly practical on all occasions. Well, I have a good reasons for some shoe shopping! :)
Piia: I guess we all would. :) We are having a walking contest at work right now and I have come to the sad conclusion that I move way too little.
Lady Cherry: I hurt one of my heels some years ago and was under strict orders from my doctor to never wear heels less than 5 centimeters so as to not exort too much pressure on my feet. A lot of people were quite snide about me wearing heels despite my bad foot, but I did have my prescription. :) I never wear completely flat shoes anymore, apart for training shoes that are well padded and kind to my heel that way. And I became very adept in walking in high heels after having to to it for some years before my heel got well.
Oh I love this post, I'm definiatly foing to give the advice a try!!! Thank you for sharing!!
I just had to test drive my walk down the isle here at work. So funny!. I've been doing it all wrong my whole life.
Posture, posture, posture! And Pilates! Instant beautyfication of the body...
Wendy: I', glad you enjoyed it!
Dear Baby: LOL!
Kristina: Pilates are great!
This was so interesting to read! I love it! Then of course I research walking in my day job :) the advice is still very much the same actually.
On a side note, I'm not sure if I'm the only one who struggles with your comment field? I can't actually see what I'm writing most of the time! The sides of the box are only partially there. Can't explain it better than that! :) But maybe it's my computer and not your website.. x
Lina Sofia: Sounds advice keep sound, I suppose. :)
Hmm, how odd. It looks fine for me, even if I log out and just "visit", both at home an don my work computer. Possibly it is your computer, but I have no idea why. :/
I think I totally need to relearn how to walk! I lack posture terribly, I must try harder!
Rachael: I need to practice too! :)
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