This picture of Rita Hayworth from Salome was part of my mother’s collection of “filmisar”, small cards with pictures of various movie stars. I don’t have the card anymore and I’m sorry that I have never found the colour version of it as that was the one I had. I had no idea who Rita Hayworth was, but I found her so incredibly beautiful and to this day she is one of my favourite actresses ever.

The adorable Carolyn Jones as Morticia Addams. My inner Goth was born when I was five years old and saw The Addams Family for the first time. To this day I’m inclined to like women who dye their hair black- silly but true.
Source: via Elisa on Pinterest
Marilyn Monroe as Lillian Russell. My parents had a book about her with lots of pictures and though I couldn’t read and hadn’t a clue of who she was, I spent a lot of time making up stories to go along the pictures. I remember being a bit concerned that she looked so sad on so many pictures. But the best picture to me was this one.
Source: via Elisa on Pinterest
It was just a few years ago that I found that it was part of a set shot by Rickard Avedon in 1958 where Marilyn impersonates a number of other stars like Theda Bara, Jean Harlow, Clara Bow and Marlene Dietrich.
When I watched Singin’ in the Rain as an adult I got a big surprise, because in my memory it was an 18th century movie! Talk about the impact Jean Hagen and Gene Kelly made on me in their shiny white wigs. “Oh Pierre!”
Source: via Elisa on Pinterest
I identified hugely with Jane Eyre in my early teens and she and Harriet Vane in Dorothy L Sayers’s crime novel are probably the two literary characters that have had a real impact on me. I read Jane Eyre regularly all through my teens- even, on a vacation, aloud for my whole family. The picture is from an excellent adaption from 1983- the best one!
Source: via Elisa on Pinterest
Allo’ Allo’ is such a silly 80’s comedy, a parody on a far more serious WWII television series, but it cemented my love for the 40’s in my impressionable teens. And quite likely my love for stockings too. Helga did have nice underwear.
Source: via Elisa on Pinterest
Dita von Teese. Perhaps that is a bit predictable and boring, but if I look around at my contemporaries, she has been an inspiration.
Source: via Elisa on Pinterest
The movies of Tim Burton. I don’t always like his movies, but I always find them interesting, inspirational and I they spark my imagination. Sleepy Hollow being the big favourite. 18th century, you know.
Source: via Elisa on Pinterest
My grandmother Greta. Always. This blog wouldn’t be here if she hadn’t been an inspiration and imbued me with the notion that if you want to do something, then find out how and do it!

And that, I think, is enough for today. Hope you enjoyed the little peek inside me.
Nice! Helga and 'Allo 'Allo has had a huge influence on me as well, I think that series gave birth to thousands of kinks. It's still brilliant, too! Trying to work on my own post, but I'm still suffering for yesterday's fun, so it's slow work.
pimpinett: I think you are right. :) And I do think it's funny still. I'm a bit tired, but as I work today I had a white evening and plenty of time to write blogposts. :)
Thank you so much for sharing. TV playd a huge part in creating images and ideals.
It really scares me that young girls today watch crap like Big Brother and get their ideals from there...
Brideshead Revisited and Upstairs Downstairs also were also series on tv that i loved, perhaps I did not understand how they reflected the times and historical happenings but the actors, cloethes and settings gripped me.
Helga had also very very nice hair I just got to get myself a loose braid and do a hairsyle similar to hers!
Kristina: And in 30 years time those girl will say the same thing, I'm sure. ;)
I can't really recall any adult tv series from my childhood. I think my parents were very strict about my bedtime. :D
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