The handbag is in patent leather that I found on Ebay. The seller said it was from the 1970's, but it's such a classic handbag. It had never been used, when I opened it, it still smelled new. I use it a lot as it is big enough for a book.
A bit morbidly this handbag still contained the program from a dear friends funeral from last summer- clearly I don't clean out my handbags too often. A mirror that came with the bag, a comb and lipsticks. I notoriously forget my lipsticks in the bags, which is why this one contained three. Keys and wallet. A perfume sample from BPAL. A book, this one is an old favourite that I often re-read when I don't have anything else, Deep Secret by Diana Wynne Jones.
If I don't want a black bag, then I usually use this one, as it is also big enough for a book. Snake skin, probably from the 1970's too.
Green leather handbag from the 1940's.
An evening clutch bag from the 40's. Found on Etsy where you can find some very nice bags for a good price.
Another bag that never had been used. 1940's and made of suede. it's extremely flat, perhaps, 1 inch, so even if it's not that small, you still can't get much into it. Wallet, lipstick and keys are a clinch.
I inherited this 1950's handbag from my grandmother Greta. I love the boxy shape, but the handles are rather worn.
A handbag in lizard skin that my grandmother made herself, either in the 40's or the 50's. It's rather fragile, so I don't use it often.
Another bag that my grandmother made heself.
My newest bag. My former father-in-law passed away recently and my ex-husband and his brother gave me this sweet little bag, along with the opera binoculars, as a keepsake. It originally belonged to their mother and I have no idea how old it is. Any takes? For some reason I think the 1920's, but I don't know my. I'm happy to have it as I was very fond of my father-in-law and I thought it was a very well-thought keepsake- they know me well!
Mats, my lovely assistent.
Ahhh ! I love them áll!
Vilka underbara handväskor du har!
den där ödleskinsväskan hon gjorde själv är så himla snygg!! Vilken talang! Jag skulle nog gissa på 20 tal på väskan och kikaren! Operakikaren är verkligen fin, riktiga art deco linjer!
I love all of these!! And Mats...what a sweet little face.
Lovely post! So sorry to her about your former father in law-its nice to hear though that everyone gets along well. xox
Jag håller med Lina Sofia; ödleskinnväskan är jättesnygg. Och du gillar Diana Wynne Jones! God smak även när det gäller literatur uppenbarligen! :)
Your handbags are lovely (how super to have things members of your family made!) but Mats is the star photo for me... Such a cutie.
Your purses are lovely, thanks for sharing!
Thank you all!
Lina sofia: Ja, visst har den! Tyvärr är min svärmor död sedan många år och min ex-man har naturligtvis aldrig brytt sig om att fråga var en väska kommer ifrån. Det hade varit roligt att veta.
Zany: Mats is truly the sweetest cat I have ever known. Other cats may do teh haughty, but never he. :)
Bunny: Thank you. And yes, I'm glad that I have a good relation to my ex-husband and his family.
Betty B: Japp, en av mina absoluta favoritförfattare! :)
Cute bag! Nice to see a fellow Diana Wynne Jones fan!
Cute bag! Nice to see a fellow Diana Wynne Jones fan!
Serendipity: Thank you! Yes, she's a big favourite of mine!
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