
Tuesday 31 May 2011

Nothing is new...

Recently I saw an ad for this bra.

And then I stumbled upon an ad from 1949 for a very similar one. I just love the colours and the little frill!

Obviously not for the more well-endowed, but I wonder how they stuck...


  1. Ha ha ha, how interesting. Do you think they used tape like they allegedly do now on the red carpet in thier backless gowns? Isn't it funny that even something that might be considered 'unglamorous' as this can still look prettier in the older version, the new one just looks so ugly!

  2. That bra looks like something from a science fiction film... possibly something that will eat the wearer alive! Kate x

  3. Oh man I wish I could find some of these! I love the frill, too. Though, in yellow they look a bit like pie crusts... hahah that just makes them even better, right?

    - Gracie

  4. Vintage Vicky: Yes, I think the new one looks horrid! The old one has a certain charm, though I have no idea how they stuck. I can't imagine it done without something sticky.

    Kate O: Yes, there is a certain liveliness over it...

    Emily & Grace: LOL. Yummy... :)

  5. The frilly ones are so much cuter than the black ones! I want some of those!

  6. Erin: Cuter, but I woder how practical they really were... ;)


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