
Tuesday 31 May 2011

Giveaway time!

My problems with Blogger seem to be sorted out and I hope that is true for the rest of you. If you still can’t comment, please send me a mail to isis.33 at (The mail addy is now correct, btw...) and tell me who you are and I will count you in on the giveaway. So, on to the fun stuff.

I no longer have 99 followers but a few over 100, but the more the merrier. My original plan was to give away fabric or patterns, but then I fell in love with this:

A Worth fashion print from 1943. I hope you like it as much as I do- I just adore the hats. And I feel it fits very well into the theme of this blog.

There are a few rules though… Nothing too hard, though.
1.The giveaway is open for anyone, regardless of country.
2.You need to follow this blog to enter. You can create a Blogger account without having a blog on your own, so not writing yourself shouldn’t have to stop you.
3.To enter, please comment with you contact info. I’d love to hear what you would like me to write more about, but that isn’t necessarily.
4.To get an extra chance, mention this giveaway on your own blog and come back and give me a link to it.
5.The giveaway will be open until midnight Swedish time, UTC+01 (CET) on Monday June 6, 2011.
6.The winner will be selected randomly.

A second prize will be given, but just a very small one. A felt flower of my making.

Good luck!


  1. Thanks for hosting this giveaway. Please count me in! I don't want to post my email address up here though for fear of spam, I hope thats ok?

  2. Oh I forgot to say that I would love to hear more about hats!

  3. Yes, please include me! Thanks for letting me know about the giveaway, I would have hated to miss it! Personally I love what you write about, but being a visual kind of gal I'd like more pictures of your clothes as you build up your perfect wardrobe of 40s goodness :) x

  4. Please count me in- I have recently discovered your blog and love it!

  5. Count count count me in! I love your blog but out of nosey personal interest i'd love to read more about 1940s beauty. My contact email is or get in touch via my blog :D

  6. How fun! I love giveaways, and that's a lovely print - and cute flower, too. :) Contact info - firstlensmanlane at att dot net.

    I'm with Miss Katie; if anything, I'd love to see more pics of your stuff, whether it's hair or shoes or clothes. I love it all.

  7. I'm a new follower!
    name: Ines
    country: Portugal


  8. Congrats on all your followers! This is one of my favorite blogs - I love all the original info you post, and then how you apply it. Like the half-moon manicures, or putting together your wardrobe. And I like that you admit you aren't perfect at all of it the first time you try!! :)

    Love that Worth print! hope I win! ;)
    bethgrover at gmail dot com

  9. I am of course in! Great with over 100!

    queenvanilla at gmail dot com

  10. Oooh a fabulous giveaway from a fabulous blog!! Please count me in and Congratulations on reaching the 100+

  11. Id like to be included please!
    Congrats on your followers!

  12. Yeah, include me please !
    I would love to know more what is your favorite era and have a special feature. xx

  13. I also included your giveaway on my blog here:

    can you tell I'd really like to win? ;)

  14. Count me in!

    p.s. I would love to see more vintage makeup and hair :)

  15. I personally love outfit posts; they give me inspiration when it comes to getting dressed every morning! Glad that blogger is finally letting me post again!

  16. Woot! I want a shot too!!! Those felt flowers are fabulous. chelseabonilla at gmail dot com (without the spaces and with the @ and . added in) :-)

  17. Hello Isis, I love your blog and would really like to read more about accessories - shoes, bags, gloves, belts etc. as well as hats of course! I always feel like people neglect the accessories side of things a little and I have a feeling that you definitely don't so it would be great to be able to see them all in action.

    I am nietzscheanfish at hotmail dot com.

  18. What a fantastic giveaway! Thanks so much for the chance to be in to win. :-)

    macska at gmail dot com

  19. Thank you so much for this amazing giveaway! The prizes look fantastic and congratulations on reaching over 100 followers!
    I'd love to be included in this giveaway :)
    My email address is: jennylawrence19 [at] gmail [dot] com
    I've also written a post about you and your giveaway on my blog! I hope you like it :)
    I'd love to read more about handbags as well as advice on 1940's hair and make-up. I'm currently trying to update my style to a more vintage look so any tips would be great!


Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.