
Wednesday 11 May 2011

I read blogs

I read Casey’s Elegant Musings . Odds are that you do as well, but if not, then you have something nice to check out. I have been following her for years, since the time she made historical clothes at LiveJournal and I have always been impressed by her ability to do beauty whatever she do, seemingly without effort. She is beautiful as well and very kind and helpful. There are always something interesting to read in her blog, among other things she do lovely tutorials, they are very informative and easy to follow. It was almost impossible for me to pick a favourite post, but as I know many struggles with pin-curls, here are a post about that. . Especially helpful if you have thick hair as pin-curls seem to behave very differently depending on your hair quality.

If anyone wonders which blog a spotlight then I can tell you that I spin my bloglist through a random generator and use that order. I will need to re-do that now and then as I add new blogs. I’ll try to do one every week, so sooner or later I should go through them all.


  1. Eeep! Thank you ever so much for featuring my little blog! :D Reading this brought back so many memories about the ol' Live Journal days and costuming... I really wish I had time to get back into historic sewing--it was so much fun! Although my husband has been begging me to make him a costume to wear to the Rennaissance Faire one of these years, so may be that will be the kick in the pants I need? hehe!

    - Casey

  2. Thank you so much for taking the time to drop by Lottie Loves. Aside from reading my blog, for which I am so grateful, I'm also really pleased it has allowed me to discover your blog. I LOVE it. I confess I spend more time dreaming about dress making than actually doing it. I have done a few dress making courses but I'm not terribly good at it and rarely get the time.
    Of course, I follow various beautiful blogs such as Casey's which make me want to get on with it and learn more but alas time defeats me. I cut out a dress pattern in December which still hasn't been sewn together. I really must make more effort.

    I'm looking forward to reading more over here and hope you continue to visit me at Lottie Loves.

    Lottie -x-


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