
Saturday 14 May 2011

1940's manicure

I finally managed to make a proper half-moon manicure! We went to a big birthday bash yesterday and as I had the whole day off I spent some time on my nails. Previously I have tried ordinary tape to mask the half-moon and found that way too difficult. The main problems were the fact that it sticks too well, which makes it hard to handle and at the same time it's so stiff that it's difficult to smooth it down properly on the nail. Yesterday I tried surgical tape and it was so much easier!

Then I just painted my nails, two layers of Depend 19 a nice true red that is actually quite similar in colour to Ruby Woo. I didn't remove the tape until the paint was almost dry and then I painted them with one layer of top coat.

The manicure is not perfect, it would have benefited from some corrections. It is also a rather time consuming manicure. Even if it was much easier to use surgical tape, it was still fiddly to cut and apply it. Still, it's nice to know that I can do it on special occasions.

And here we both are, dolled up for the party. I had opportunity to wear my evening gown! Odd thing, though- I know for a fact that I have gained weight since I made it and it's still way too loose!


  1. I like the idea of using the tape! I've used little adhesive dots you can get at office/stationary supply stores, but those don't tend to stick very well (so the nail polish seeps underneath). Yours looks very pretty though!!! :)

  2. Your manicure is fantastic...I love it!!!

  3. So exciting. I was just video chatting with my 87 year old Grandmother and she asked me if I had moons on all of my fingers and I no realize the relivance. Ha ha! I think I will give this cool look a try with some vibrant color polish too.

    Also, Just received my book, Style Me Vintage by Belina Hay, a hair style tutorial from Amazon today. Exciting!

  4. Casey: Yes, I suspected as much, which is why I didn't go around gtting those. A pro with the surgical tape is that you can draw the shape on it before cutting. :) Thank you!

    Marie: Thank you!

    Dear Baby: I haven't read that one- you'll have to review it. :) They didn't use just red in the 40's either, evidently you could use colours like blue, green and silver too!

  5. Your nails look super! I have never had any luck with half moons I will have to give your surgical tape method a try!!

  6. Surgical tape! That's fantastic!

    I tried the french manicure tape that worked okay, but your nails look incredible! I'll need to try it again.

  7. This is really very gorgeous! I think I might have to try it myself :)

  8. Wendy: Thank you! I hope it works well for you!

    Zany: Thank you! I had planned to buy such a kit but then a looked for something in my mudical cabinet and came to the surgical tape and got an idea. :)

  9. Reana Louise: Thank you!

  10. Oh darling over in the US we have these little stick on guides generally used for creating a french manicure. I use those, instead, to create the half moon manicure. They are pre cut and stick just enough!,default,pd.html?cm_vc=SEARCH

    Do you have those over there? Shall I send you some?


  11. Dolly: I'm fairly certain that I can get them here too, though I have never really searched for them. Thank you so much for the offer, though!

  12. I've read that three hole punch reinforcement stickers work well for this! I've yet to try it, though.

  13. Tia: I tried that quite recently, but it didn't work for me at all. I had problems getting them to stick and the polish bled in underneath. They's very inexpensive to buy, though and I know other people had had good results with them.


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