
Monday 12 December 2011

Min boudoir

I guess my Swedish speakers already know about this new magazine, but if not, then I think you should. Min boudoir. To quote the website it’s “A Swedish magazine for all things retro/burlesque/vintage/pinup in Sweden (incl Finland, Norway and Denmark)” The founder is the beautiful Tifa De Leone.

The first number is out and as I understand it is meant to be a quarterly magazine. 60 pages on high quality paper which made it very nice to handle. Well, the reading was very nice too. Interviews, shopping tips, music and fashion, beautiful photographs, btw, which made for a good reading mix in my view. I especially enjoyed to relationship column which had two answers, one appropriate for 1956 and one for 2011. And not t be missed- my hairdresser Retroella gives hairstyling tips in every issue.

I really hope this will take off as I think it's such a great idea. There are similar magazines in English, but I think it’s great with one in Swedish. There is a growing scene for vintage and burlesque in Sweden and it’s nice to get a Scandinavian angle. And Min boudoir is no slapdash magazine, it’s obvious that a lot of hard work has been put into it.

(Picture borrowed from


  1. I like Tifa a lot, didnt know shes the founder of the magazine, good to know, I wish we had something like in Poland, Im glad Im able to buy Burlesque Bible in UK, always something :)

  2. Would you please suggest a similar magazine written in English?

  3. Thanks for the link - I'd not heard of the magazine, it looks great.

  4. Vivian: I can understand that- always nice to be able to connect a bit more. :)

    Auntie: Well, there are Burlesque Bible that Vivian suggested, Vintage Life, Zelda and Milkcow that I can think of. There are other that I can't recall the title of right now.

    Snippa: Glad to bring teh news to someone! :)


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