
Thursday 15 December 2011

I wish I was a rich girl #4

Today’s shopping is all about cats as a tribute to our 13-year old cat Frida who we had to put down yesterday. Her kidney had stopped working so there was nothing to be done. She was a remarkable little cat who lost her sight when she war around seven, but didn’t allow that to stop her. I think she saw it as a challenge, not a limitation. She was easily the cutest cat I have ever seen and the smallest too- she was absolutely tiny. Despite that she has left a big hole in our lives. No more bellowing at my feet when I cook, in case I would forget to give her something nice to eat. No more demands to my darling that he was to make the bed NOW and then lay down on it so she could take a nap in his chest. We’ll miss her a lot, even if we still have four cats and a dog to keep us occupied.

Kat with kittens

Cat and dog brooch

Ceramic cat

Kitten tin toy set

Cat print. I want this one quite badly, actually.

Cat and dog whistle


  1. I'm sorry to hear about Frida. xx

  2. ooooh, that is so sad. I'm really sorry for you. *hugs*

  3. I'm so sorry dear. That was sad news...

  4. That´s so sad! I feel your loss, Frida reminds me of my own furball I had to put down at the age of 13.

    On a side note, the cat whistle looks familiar. I might own one of these.

  5. :( Sorry to hear about your cat.

  6. Oh no...I am so sorry to hear about your cat! It's great that she had such a long life and was able to bring so much joy into your family! Sending all my love your way!! xoxoxo

  7. :( Very sorry to hear about your cat. It sounds like she was greatly loved and brought much happiness to you.

  8. Tia: Thank you! She was. :)


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