
Monday 5 December 2011

The good china

When my maternal grandparents got married in 1943 they bought a new, smart set of china to have as their “good one”. In time my grandmother collected several sets, but this first one was in use all of their life. And eventually I inherited I use it as my good china too. The set is called (Blå) vinranka (blue wines) and was designed in 1939 by Arthur Percy for Gefle porslinsfabric. It became quite popular and was in production until 1969. My grandmother used to call it “flytande blå” (flowing blue), which seems to be a quite common nickname for it, due to the way the blue floats out. Percy also designed a red version which was much more distinct, but never seem to have become as popular.

As for my set, it is very nearly complete; the only piece missing is the soup terrine, which my grandparents never purchased. There are plates in three flat sizes and one deep one. Coffee and tea cups with saucers and even two cups for gruel. Bowls for sugar and milk and cream jugs. Coffee and tea pots, several plates and bowls for serving food, including sauce and egg cups. I think it’s very pretty and it makes me happy to use it.

(Picture sources:,%20tallrik%20djup%2024.html


  1. Wow! It's so beutiful! I am certain you must be very glad.

  2. Thank you! Yes, I'm very happy about it! :)

  3. Det var en snygg servis! Det är lite tråkigt att man inte har "finservis" längre, tycker jag, men det känns som om man inte riktigt har de sorternas bjudningar längre. Här hemma använder vi Wäxiö som vardagsservis numera och likaså matsilvret får bli till vardags, annars ligger det bara där.

    Fast en finservis och finkristall har vi egentligen det också, men det ligger i en låda hos min bror hemma i Sverige och väntar på att vi ska ta med det till Frankrike en dag.

  4. A lovely classic! We've only got boring everyday china from IKEA. One should start collecting...

  5. A beautiful set, and I'm so glad you use it, as so many hide them away and don't enjoy them!

  6. Emma: Jag tycker att det är alldeles rätt att använda fint porslin till vardags också! Och Wäxiö är ju jättefin.Vi har faktiskt två servicer till, som min pojkvän hade med sig i boet. De är nyare, men också väldigt vackra. Och vi använder linneservietter varje dag (också min pojkväns idé- jag skulle slarva med det om jag var själv).

    MrsJ: There are a lot of nice china out there and not always expensive. :)

    Miss Beatrix: I believe in using your pretty things. :) And even if one have an everyday china, why not have a pretty set anyway?

  7. That's beautiful - and it's so great that you have a personal connection to its history too.

  8. Mim: Yes, it makes it a bit extra special. :)


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