
Monday 28 November 2011

Fräulein Frauke and my new hair

Fräulein Frauke Presents Duty Calls took place on Saturday, and a mighty good time was had, I must say. Nalen is an absolutely fantastic location and though it was pretty crowded the ceiling is so high that it never got too hot or felt too crowded. However, I met a friend in the wardrobe and then manage to not locate her for the rest of the evening, so it was definitely a lot of people there. We were early so we were among the first 250 who got a free glass of champagne when we come. I didn't see all of the cabaret, but the artist I did see were very good. Fräulein Frauke was, as usual, adorable:

I also enjoyed the ringmaster, Dusty Limits, very much as well as Vicky Butterfly

I had a really good time, but got a bit too tired, so we left around midnight. Next time I will make sure to not be ill before- there will definitely be a next time. It's a club with a really nice atmosphere and just looking at the other guests are a treat. FF doesn't have an enforced dress code even if they appreciate if people go along with the theme, but most people do a great effort. I saw a lot of beautiful and interesting outfits and got several compliment from strangers on mine.

I had the perfect opportunity to wear my blue evening gown. Unfortunately I didn't have time to do some necessary changes and the fit is far too loose, but I felt pretty anyway. And it really is a good idea to not wear black, because that was definitely the most popular colour. My darling aired his white tie and came back from the bar asking me if he looked weird in any way, because girls kept looking at him. I can assure you that it was because he looked very handsome. I was also pleased with the way my hair tuned out. Perhaps you remember that I visited Retroella last week and put in a blond streak. I'm really happy with the result and it was fun trying to do a formal hairdo. As usual it didn't turn out as I planned, mostly because my hair never manage to look sleek and tidy, but it didn't turn out too bad.

It's just a couple of victory rolls and in the front and the back was piled up in curls. There were some silk roses too, but they don't show on the pics.

I had a new bag too, a 1940's cord clutch that I found on Etsy, Raleigh Vintage


  1. You look gorgeous! I love this color on you, and your hair is fab!

  2. Classy from head to toe! and that bag... *sigh*

  3. You look like you stepped out of a movie--gorgeous! If I ever find myself on your side of the pond, we're going out on the town, m'dear!

  4. oooh! How lovely. It sounds like a delightful experience, I wish we had something like that club here!

  5. Jag såg minsann dig också, men kopplade inte att det var du, annars hade jag kommit och sagt hej :)

  6. Thank you all!

    Rowenna: It's a deal! :D

    Elsa: Jag hade tänkt säga hej, men tappade bort dig i vimlet. :)

  7. Vad tjusig du var! Hoppas det blir fler Fröken Frauke Presenterar just i stora salen på Nalen. Det é ju en så passande lokal! Var aldrig med på den gamla "goda" tiden i Liljeholmen, men jag har hört roliga historier från Felicia (Fröken Frauke) om översvämmade toaletter och trasiga champagneflaskor... ;)

  8. You look lovely!! I absolutely adore your dress!

  9. Väldigt tjusigt... Gillar verkligen den nya frisyren! Och väskan! ja det är något speciellt med de där corde-väskorna!

  10. Miss Meadows: Tack! Ja, det hoppas jag med! Jag var på FF just den kvällen med toaletten... Det var kul ändå, men bajamajor och översvämmade golv gör det inget om jag slipper... ;)

    Meg: Thank you!

    Olivia: Tack! Ja, jag gillar dem!

  11. You look beautiful! Glad you had such a good time :)
    Vicki Butterfly is utterly mesmerising isn't she? :)

  12. Amii: Thank you! Yes, she was wonderful!

  13. Isis, jag behöver din mailadress för att kunna skicka inbjudan till vintagebloggträffen:)
    Min är

  14. Elsa: Har skickat ett mejl. :)


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