
Saturday 26 November 2011

Duty Calls

Tonight I will have the perfect opportunity to don my blue evening gown as I’m going to Fräulein Frauke- Duty Calls. Fräulein Frauke is an excellent burlesque club here in Stockholm and tonight the theme is World War II, so of course I have to go! I have been to FF before and enjoyed myself, but that was in their old place which was truly terrible when it comes to drink, ladies rooms and wardrobe, but the atmosphere and show made up for a lot of that. This year, however, it moved to Nalen, which truly must be the perfect place for a 1940’s club. Nalen was THE dance palace in Stockholm from the 1930’s to the end of the 1960’s and I’m pretty sure that both my grandparents and parents have danced there. It opened again in the 1990’s and have several scenes and dance floors. I can’t dance swing, but I expect I will be able to enjoy other dance tonight!


  1. Lucky you! I can't go tonight, because I have to WORK!!! How fun is that?!!! Fröken Frauke has a new number she told me about I really wanted to see. It's gonna be great!...Men va é väl en bal på slottet?... ;)

  2. Miss Meadows: How annoying! I actually work this weekedn too- until eight tonight and starting at nine ten tomorrow morning... But I felt that I really can't miss it. I think I will stick to water though. :)

  3. oohh! Have a fabulous time!!

  4. Debi: Thank you- I really had!

  5. Ibland önskar jag att jag bor i Sthlm..


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