
Sunday 16 October 2011

Waiting at the station coat

This week I finally got my coat from Puttin on the Ritz. I say finally as I have been waiting so eagerly for it, but the truth is that it was sent to me 2 days before the stated waiting time ran out, which is 6 weeks in the slow seasons. The coat is beautiful and comfortable and I couldn’t be happier with it. I always have trouble finding coats that fits, so I’m glad this worked out so well. I’ll definitely be ordering from them again in the future, probably a wool skirt for the winter.

The pictures were taken when I was on my way to work and my darling and Lipton was on their way to take the morning walk. I'm afraid that Lipton found us very tedious.

Clearly I need a more old fashioned leash too.

The coat is perfect for Swedish autumn and with a warm sweater underneath I can probably wear it into the winter as long as it isn't too cold.

"I'm really, really bored- can we PLEASE take my walk now?"


  1. Those pictures are so nice, lovely coat. Good to see Lipton again, such a darling.

  2. I absolutely love the coat, it's so classic and it looks like it's awesome quality. Beautiful! x

  3. Åh jag älskar sådana sjalkragar. Jättesnygg kappa.

    Nu måste jag spana in det där puttin on the ritz!

    Vilken söt liten hund, har själv en best. Han tycker det är roligt att posera i högst 5 sekunder, hehe.

  4. The coat! The shoes! The snood! You look great!

  5. Love! and SHOES!LOVE! And you have an adorable pup!

  6. Ville bara säga hej! Hittade hit på något konstigt vis för någon vecka sedan. Toppenkul läsning!

  7. Thank you all for your kind words!

    The shoes are one of my favourite pairs- sadlu almost worn out by now.

    Mrs J: Kul att höra! Välkommen hit!

  8. Kappan är jättefin, väl värt (den inte alltför långa) väntan =)
    Hunden är så söt! Mor min har en charmig liten dvärgpudel som är rätt snäll på att posera. Kan i o f s hänga ihop med godisen som brukar följa... =)

  9. Hello there! I just popped over from Tuppeny Happeny! This coat looks wonderful- it is very warm? It looks great on you!

  10. Erika: Inte så länge, sant- det känns bara länge när man väntar. :) Hmm, hundgodis kanske vore en idé...

    Kezzie: Welcome! It's quite warm, at least as long as it isn't freezing. :)


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