
Sunday 30 October 2011

New skirt

I've actually finished something! To be truthful it's something I started before I ventured into the wardrobe project, but as it is a 40's skirt, it fits anywy. It's an A-line wool skirt that I very nearly finished in February, but then I had just the hemming left. It's funny how often the hemming slows me down... But now, in time for colder weather, I finally took the last stitches on it. And as I've spent the last few days feeling a bit under the weather due to a cold, I really felt the need to put on some lipstick and feel a bit pretty.

The sweater is from Rocket Originals. I have forgotten where I got the shoes- I've had them for years.


  1. Nice!, that colour combination is bliss. Cuddles to the furry friend. :-)

  2. I love it! I have a few 30's and 40's skirt patterns that I hope to get time to sew this winter. Your shoes are fab!! x

  3. lovely!! It looks great with the sweater!! Gorgeous outfit :)

  4. Jättefin kjol! Har själv varit jätteförkyld så förstår det där "piffa-upp-mig" behovet ;)

  5. Beautiful legs Lady!!!! I really need to buy a new sewing machine and start my own projects... I hope Santa Claus will be generous...

  6. Va-va-va-voom! This outfit looks fantastic on you. I like to do my hand sewing when watching some silly TV movie that doesn't require a lot of attention. A two-hour movie provides a lot of time for hand sewing.

  7. Love the skirt! It looks fantastic :)

  8. OY!
    I just found your blog and I´ve been reading with fervor!
    Fantastic blog, I`ll deffo add this gem to my faves.

  9. Thank you all for you wonderful comments! *preens*

    And WeirdRocStar, I'm glad you like my blog!


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