
Tuesday 30 August 2011

I read blogs

I read Diary of A Vintage Girl . You probably do too, but if not, then I think you should go and have a look. Fleur look like she has stepped out from a glamorous Hollywood movie and indeed she work as a model, so there are a lot of eye candy to be found in her blog. She’s smart too and writes eloquent and thought provoking posts about dressing vintage, like this one. I first found her when I was looking for hair tutorials and then I got hooked.


  1. I'm also following her posts, nice pictures and you are right her texts are eloquent. I'm also following her vintage MAFIA. It must be really nice to have so much lovely vintage ladies as friends... must I move to London? Ansolutly not I love my french country side!!!

  2. That's how I found her too a couple of years ago.

  3. I read Fleur's blog too and find her very inspiring.


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