
Tuesday 23 August 2011

How does your wardrobe grow?

The original purpose of this blog was to build a 40’s wardrobe and of course I’m steadily working on it. However, I am not at all so far gone as I had hoped by now. Partly because I have made some clothes that I have worn this summer that is just summer clothes, partly because this first year needs more clothes to be sewn or purchased than the next three. So here is a little overview on the autumn/winter wardrobe status, so far. Perhaps this is also a good opportunity that when I have bought or finished and I have showed it here, then I link to that post in the static year-posts at the top of the blog. So you can easily check there to see what is still missing.

Grey wool shirt dress
I decided a long time ago that I would use the long-sleeved version of this pattern:

But then I have searched high and low for a nice fabric, which I finally found at Textiles Naturally at Etsy. It’s lightweight wool suiting with a red stripe.

Simple, long evening gown in black heavy canton crepe
I’m making a little switch here as I already have a blue evening gown, and then I will make a black one in year two, when they list says a blue one.

Housecoat with a belt in thin cotton
Using this pattern and a green cotton fabric, I only have the belt and the buttons left. So I really just need a few hours left on this one. Bad me!

Black wool dress
Nice black dress in wool

Evidently two black wool dresses are needed and later one it’s clear that one of them should have short sleeves and suitable for summer wear. So I plan to make one of them, probably using this pattern.

And buy the other one. I really like this one from Heyday.

It’s not in wool, but it’s now made in a non-shiny fabric, so I think that will be nice anyway.
Grey/brown overcoat in tweed
I have been looking for tweed in the right colours and haven’t found anything I like. And as I feel a bit daunted about the prospect of making a winter coat, I have decided to order this coat from Puttin’s On the Ritz instead. It’s only grey, but I can live with that.

Coat in grey lamb fur
I haven’t been able to find a fake lamb fur in grey, so I think I will use one of these instead. I lean toward the brownish grey one, right now.

Brown sport suit in three pieces, jacket, trousers and skirt
I have worked on a toile for the trousers for awhile now, with no luck. A friend has promised to help me with the fitting, but for the moment I feel very anti-pants so I caved in a few days ago and ordered these from Heyday, though in brown. I’m a little scared as I haven’t bought trousers in years and always had problems with the fit. But I have read around and heard nice things about them from ladies with curves and also that they are quite easy to change, if need be.

The sport suit will not be in the same fabric, but I can live with that too. I have a nice brown wool that is not gabardine that I will use for the skirt and jacket and I think that even if the trouser will be in a darker brown, it can be worn with the jacket anyway. I plan to use this pattern from NewVintageLady for the jacket.

Red Sweater
White sweater, adapted to be a stone-coloured one.
Raincoat in a "natural" colour
I have wanted to make a raincoat for years and I’m currently looking for a suitable fabric and patter.
Black beret, made from the same fabric as the black dress
Grey beret

Beret patterns I have, and some grey wool scraps too.
Green hat in felt
Brown felt hat
Working on it. I’m currently stitching millinery wire around the brim.
Brown knitted gloves
Homemade knitted mittens

Knitting isn’t my forte, so I need to find something suitable in a store.
Belt, scarf and clip in green
The clips are finished and I have fabric left for a belt, but a scarf needs to be purchased.

Still a lot of work to do, as you see. I plan to make the brown skirt first and then the grey dress. I also have another sewing project I have to finish by October. I’m attending a masked ball with an 18th century theme at Kalmar Castle and I’m making a gown similar to this one.


  1. You are my Role Model, and doing a great job! I'm impressed!

  2. Jag är också mitt i en toile för ett par byxor som är nästan identiska med Heyday-byxorna. Eller, ja, det är en overall så tänk dig att knapparna fortsätter upp längs bröstkorgen.

    Det går väl "sisådär". Mönstret skulle passa mitt höftmått precis och midjemåttet var kanske 1-2 cm för stort, men byxorna passade som en svart sopsäck och om jag satte mig ner hade jag en enorm klump med tyg mellan benen. Jag följer byxinstruktionerna på och så sakta får jag lite bukt på överflödet... tror jag. Jättebra att du kan få hjälp av en vän! Hoppas att det fixar sig.

  3. Auntie: Awww- thank you!

    Emma O W: Åh så frustrerande! Min första toile var alldeles för stram över magen och när jag ändrade blev det som du beskriver. Min vän är utbildad sömmerska, så det kommer nog bli jättebra så det blir nog ett par byxor till slut...

    Griya: Thank you!


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