
Thursday 18 August 2011

Brox Sisters

Thanks to one of my workmates who has a wonderful knack of finding old music on YouTube (He once spent a whole Saturday when we worked playing only different versions of Plaisir D’Amour), I discovered an American group called Brox Sisters, who had their heyday in the 20’s and 30’s. Working first on Broadway and later in Hollywood, evidently doing a good job in both places. They were sisters, Bobbe, Lorayne and Patricia, though they were born Josephine, Eunice and Kathleen Brock. They last sung together in 1939, but I feel they can fit into this blog anyway, as people in the 40’s didn’t stop listening to music just because it was recorded in another decade.

They performed Singin' in the Rain long before Gene Kelly, in the movie The Hollywood Revue of 1929

And made a lovely parody on Marlene Dietrich and Falling In Love Again in 1932.

To compare, here is Marlene herself, in 1930.

I think they are absolutely delightful and very pretty!


  1. A dynamic female trio before the Andrews Sisters! I've never even heard of these lovely ladies, it's a shame that there is not more publicity out on them compared to artists like the Andrews Sisters.

  2. They're sweet, aren't they? Check the Boswell Sisters I you haven't already.

  3. Delicious .. I often think the same fashion .... people do not throw clothes away when you change the decade ... right?

  4. Mary: I agree- they ought to be better known.

    Superheidi: Very sweet! No, I haven't, so I will certainly check them out. Thanks for the tip!

  5. Rosy: Indeed, people don't. It's only in the catalouge and the fashion magazines everything is up to date. :)

  6. How lovely! Thank you for blogging about them. Never heard of them before but now will look them up!! xox

  7. Bunny: I hope you will enjoy them!


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