
Tuesday 24 May 2011

I'm not ignoring you

For some reason I can post and edit my posts, but as soon as I try to answer comments, Blogger refuses to acknowledge me and eternally wants me to log in again. But every time I log in I get kicked back to the log in page when I try to answer. The same happens when I try to comment on other blogs. Very frustrating as I have a couple of comments here that I would like to respond to. I promise, I have tried!


  1. The same thing happens when I hit "new post" on SewRetro! Very frustrating.

  2. Somehow I have the same trouble, can't log in or comment on blogs using Firefox. Though I am logged onto google, the mail is working fine. I'm now using Safari and blogging and commenting seem to work. But it is so annoying!

  3. Indeed, Miss Virginia.

    superheidi: Thanks for the tip- it works with Safari!

  4. It's so weird... are you on a Mac as well? I still have to use Safari. I'm guessing it has to do with some Firefox update.

  5. Superheidi: No I have Windows. And is still on Safari. :/

  6. me - windows, I'm also having trouble with commenting, but it works for me to NOT X the stay signed in button when I log in. Off cource It's a bit annying to have to log in all the time, but I'm able to comment :)

  7. Anne: I figured that out eventually. Annoying, but I'm glad it works!


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