
Sunday 6 February 2011

All About Eve

A bad cold have made me very unproductive that last few days, but to put some good use of being too tired to move, I watched a number of old movies instead. So today there will be some pictures from All About eve. It's from 1950, so a little out of line, but I feel generous and include it, because it is such a great movie. If you haven't seen it, do.

Margo Channing (Bette Davis); is a theatre actress who is at her peak of her career. She can be a bit difficult, but is essentially a nice person and she has a group of close and devoted friends. A young woman, Eve (Anne Baxter), manages to get inside that group under the pretext that she adores Margo. In fact she adores Margo's success and sets by to take everything, though everyone at first assumes she is very innocent and modest. And Eve do manage to become a success, though not altogether the way she wanted.

All actors are splendid in this movie. Davis is great and this movie gave her career a much need lift. She has excellent chemistry with Margo's love interest, Bill (Gary Merill), and he and Davis did fall in love during the filming and later got married. Baxter is more a snake than Eve, but she does it so good and she is so nasty. But not quite as nasty as George Sanders theatre critic Addison DeWitt, unluckily for her. And if you like Marilyn Monroe she has a small part. It's early in her career, but doing her blond bombshell act as well as she ever did. Good dialogue all around and I find the script very sophisticated. There are several under texts that I think a modern version would make much more blatant like the subtle suggestion that Eve's sexual interest lies with women or hers and DeWitt's truly twisted relationship.

Enough talk! There are some really nice clothes, designed by Edith Head in this movie too, so on with the pictures!

The transformation of Eve
This evening gown is my favourite costume in the whole movie

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